@PHDTHESIS{Lun_Cod_2020, author = "Luna Cárdenas, Offray Vladimir", title = "Codiseñar Autonomías: artefactos digitales amoldables, hacktivismo y ciudadanías", abstract = "Eng: An inquiry about how we can change the digital tools that change us is presented t explores the question of how we change the digital artifacts that change us and a proposal following the use of digital meta-systems (described in themselves) for the creation of adaptable tools related to visualization and data narratives, which are linked to issues of digital citizenship and hacktivism, developed from the HackBo hackerspace. At the end of this work some keys are shown about how to facilitate these transitions from user communities to digital toolmakers in the Global South and the future tensions that such efforts may encounter.", year = 2020, institution = "Universidad de Caldas", url = "https://repositorio.ucaldas.edu.co/handle/ucaldas/10858", }