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dc.contributor.advisorMaya Castaño, Jorge Hernán
dc.contributor.authorMolina Osorio, Viviana
dc.descriptionIlustraciones, gráficasspa
dc.description.abstractspa:El modelar ecosistemas de emprendimiento hasta ahora había sido tarea de economistas para justificar con datos de ventas y generación de empleo el posible impacto que tiene este tipo de intervención para el desarrollo económico. Desde el inicio hubo preguntas acerca de si hay otra forma de medir un ecosistema, de conocerlo y visualizar otros posibles impactos más allá del económico. Fue allí donde recurrimos al diseño como disciplina integradora para buscar nuevas formas de modelar y de ser posible diseñar ecosistemas de emprendimiento, entendiendo que allí se mueve algo más que solo dinero. Escogimos el estudio de caso como método descriptivo exploratorio para tener la posibilidad de movernos entre una gran cantidad de información recolectada, un método que nos permitiera dar cuenta de la complejidad del objeto de estudio y que también tuviera la suficiente flexibilidad de abrir campo a otros métodos que se requirieran para ahondar en la exploración del ecosistema Manizales Más. La contribución final de esta tesis es la modelación a través de diferentes métodos del mismo ecosistema, lo que nos permite ver diferentes elementos y comprender mejor como se relacionan los agentes, qué hay en las dimensiones y cuáles podrían ser otras formas de medirlos. Al final no se propone un único método para modelar ecosistemas, más bien se propone una metáfora que permita una reflexión a los posibles agentes interesados en fomentar su ecosistema de emprendimiento acerca de cada uno de los elementos que debe tener en cuenta y del papel que tiene el diseñador en ese proceso, de esta forma la metáfora del jardinero busca ampliar la metáfora biológica ya existente aclarando cada dimensión y el papel crucial del jardinero en la
dc.description.abstracteng:Up until now, modeling entrepreneurship ecosystems had been the task of economists to justify with sales data and job creation the possible impact that this type of intervention has for economic development. From the beginning, there were questions about whether there is another way to measure an ecosystem, to model it, and to visualize other possible impacts beyond the economic one, and it was there that we turned to design as an integrative discipline to seek new ways to model and, if possible, design ecosystems of entrepreneurship, understanding that something more than just money moves in there. We chose the case study as an exploratory descriptive method to have the possibility of moving between a large amount of information collected, a method that would allow us to account for the complexity of the study object and that also had enough flexibility to open the field to other methods that were required to delve into the exploration of the Manizales Más ecosystem. The final contribution of this thesis is modeling through different methods the same ecosystem, which allows us to see different elements and better understand how the agents are related, what is in the dimensions and what could be other ways of measuring them. In the end, a single method is not proposed to model ecosystems but rather a metaphor is proposed, that allows a reflection to the possible stakeholders interested in promoting their entrepreneurial ecosystem about each of the elements that must be taken into consideration and the role that plays the designer in this process. In this way, the proposition of the metaphor of a gardener seeks to expand the already existing biological metaphor by clarifying each dimension and the crucial role of the gardener in it.eng
dc.description.tableofcontentsModelling entrepreneurship ecosystems as a design process: Manizales Más case study / Acknowledgement / Resumen / Abstract / Content Table / List of Figures / List of Tables / Publications List / INTRODUCTION / Document structure / 1. Successful entrepreneurship ecosystems for regional development: a proposal for their modelling and creation / Introduction / 1.1. Three problems in developing entrepreneurship ecosystems: levels-definition, agentdomain relations, and their creation / 1.2. What is Manizales Más? / 1.3. Literature Review / 1.4. Research Methods Proposal / 1.5. Complex Adaptive Systems: Conceptual Elements to Model an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem / 1.6. Ecosystemic Approach to Understand the Network Flows / 1.7. Systemic Design as a Possible Framework to Design Entrepreneurial Ecosystems / 1.8. Concluding Remarks / 1.9. References / 2. Research Project / 2.1. Project Rationale / 2.1.1. Studying Entrepreneurship Ecosystems from a Design Standpoint / 2.1.2 Why to Choose the Knowledge Management Research Line of Design and Creation PhD / 2.2. Research Questions / 2.3. Research Goals / 2.3.1. Main Goal / 2.3.2. Specific Goals / 2.4. Why did We Choose Manizales Más as our Study Case? / 2.5. Research Strategy / 2.6. Research Process Over the PhD Duration / 2.6.1. First Year 2015-2016 / 2.6.2. Second Year 2017 / 2.6.3. Third Year 2018 / 2.6.4. Fourth Year 2019-2020 / 2.6.5. Fifth Year 2020 – 2021 / 2.7. References / 3. Methodology: A Mix of Methods to Understand Entrepreneurship Ecosystems / 3.1. Case Study / 3.1.1. Case Study Protocol / 3.2. Literature Review and Thematic Analysis / 3.3. Document Analysis and Participant observation / 3.4. Modelling / 3.5. Results, Analysis and Discussion / 3.6. References / 4. Theoretical Framework / 4.1. The Common Playfield Among Creativity, Design, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Results from a Thematic Analysis / 4.1.1. Methodology / 4.1.2. Results / 4.1.3. Conclusions / 4.2. Designing Entrepreneurship Ecosystems / 4.2.1. Framing Entrepreneurship Evolution / 4.2.2. The Different Design Orders / 4.2.3. The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem as a Fourth Order Artifact / 4.3. Conclusions / 4.4. References: / 5. Manizales Más in Depth / 5.1. Manizales Más Creation and Evolution / 5.2. Manizales Más Organizational Structure / 11 5.3. anizales Más Program Description / 5.3.1. EAP Empresas de Alto Potencial / 5.3.2. Mentoría Empresarial / 5.3.3. Affiliates / 5.3.4. PAP: Profesores de Alto Potencial / 5.3.5. Addventure Más / 5.3.6. Startup Más / 5.3.7. Ruta del Emprendimiento / 5.3.8. Vender Más / 5.3.9. Crecer Más / 5.3.10. Growth Team / 5.3.11. Other programs / 5.4. Previous Manizales Más models / 5.4.1. Systematization Universidad de Manizales / 5.4.2. Process Map / 5.5. Conclusions / 5.6. References / 6. Contribution: a proposal of entrepreneurial ecosystem design-based models based on Manizales Más / 6.1. Agent Based Modelling / 6.1.1. Introduction / 6.1.2. Objective / 6.1.3. Methodology / 6.1.4. Results / 6.1.5. Conclusions / 6.2. Mapping Creativity and Design within the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem / 6.2.1. Introduction / 6.2.2. Objectives / 6.2.3. Theoretical Framework / 6.2.4. Instruments and Methods / 6.2.5. Findings / 6.2.6. Discussion / 6.2.7. Implications / 6.2.8. Conclusions / 6.3. Manizales Más Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Analysis of Value Relationships / 6.3.1. Introduction / 6.3.2. Objective: / 6.3.3. Theoretical Background: Value flow model / 6.3.4. Design technique and information gathering instruments / 6.3.5. Results &Analysis / 6.3.6. Conclusions / 6.4. Manizales Más Nested Design Levels Model / 6.4.1. Introduction / 6.4.2. Objective / 6.4.3. Reymen’s modelling Methodology / 6.4.4. Structured analysis and design technique / 6.4.5. Modelling process / 6.4.6. Results / 6.4.7. Discussion of results / 6.4.8. Design Orders, An exploration in Manizales Más / 6.5. Conclusions / 6.6. References / 7. Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: The Gardener Metaphor / 7.1. What is a garden made of? / 7.1.1. Plants - Markets / 7.1.2. Soil / Substrate – Culture / 7.1.3. Pollinators - Human Capital / 7.1.4. Fertilizers - Public Policy / 7.1.5. Seedbed / greenhouse - Support entities / 7.1.6. Water – Finance / 7.1.7. Gardening tools – Administration / 7.1.8. Migrating animals - External relations / 7.2. Who is the Gardener? / 7.2.1. The Gardener that just spreads the seed around / 7.2.2. The gardener working for curbside appeal / 7.2.3.The gardener that dreams with a topiary / 13 7.2.4. The Versailles gardener / 7.3. What about the weeds? / 7.4. The gardener metaphor turning into the tale of a gardener / 7.5. Conclusions About the Interactions, Blossoming and Withering / 7.6. References / 8. Discussion / 8.1 How did we reach each objective? / 8.2 key findings and rationale in choosing each modeling method / 8.3 concluding summary / 8.4 Limitations / 8.5 Future work / 9. Conclusions / 10. Full Bibliography / 11. Appendix / Appendix 1. Documents Included on Thematic Analysis / Appendix 2. List of Manizales Más files.eng
dc.titleModelling entrepreneurship ecosystems as a design process: Manizales Más case studyeng
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Doctoradospa
dc.contributor.researchgroupDICOVI: Diseño y Cognición en Entornos Visuales y Virtuales (Categoría A1)spa
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad de Caldasspa
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Institucional Universidad de Caldasspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Artes y Humanidadesspa
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dc.subject.proposalEntrepreneurship ecosystemseng
dc.subject.proposalModelling ecosystemseng
dc.subject.proposalComplex adaptive systemseng
dc.subject.proposalSystemic designeng
dc.subject.unescoDiseño de sistemas
dc.description.degreenameDoctor(a) en Diseño y Creaciónspa
dc.publisher.programDoctorado en Diseño y Creaciónspa
dc.description.researchgroupGestión y Transmisión del Conocimientospa

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