@MASTERSTHESIS{Cad_The_2023, author = "Cadena Castellanos, Jovany Eduardo", title = "The effect of creative writing on 10th graders' written production in a public school", abstract = "egn:This study explores the effects of creative writing workshops on the written production skills of 10th-grade students. The study identified common writing difficulties such as vocabulary limitations, isolated word usage, grammar challenges, and spelling errors through data collection instruments and analysis triangulation, including teacher journals, observations, student surveys, and interviews. Subsequently, six creative writing workshops were designed and implemented to address those issues. The workshops implemented were focused on vocabulary exploration, and the improvement of sentence structure, grammar usage, and spelling. Findings indicated that the workshops positively influenced students' vocabulary usage, sentence complexity, grammatical accuracy, and spelling proficiency. Those results highlight the pedagogical value of integrating creative writing approaches into English language teaching to enhance students' written production skills.", year = 2023, institution = "Universidad de Caldas", url = "https://repositorio.ucaldas.edu.co/handle/ucaldas/19605", }