@TECHREPORT{Art_Pre_2022, author = "Arteaga Ocampo, Leidy Yuliana", title = "Prevalencia de depresión en cuidadores y síntomas afectivo-comportamentales en niños y adolescentes durante la pandemia por covid-19 en el servicio de salud mental de la Clínica San Juan de Dios", abstract = "eng:The objective of this study was to determine the current prevalence of depressive disorder and affective-behavioral symptoms in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Mental Health Unit in Manizales. Methodologically, it corresponds to a research with a quantitative approach, with a Transversal, Observational, Non-experimental, descriptive, analytical design, the data was collected with a questionnaire-type instrument for patient health (Patient Health Questionnaire) (PHQ-9), applied in the adult population for the variable prevalence of depression in caregivers, and another instrument Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL-4-18), applied in the child population for the variable Affective-behavioral symptoms. The population under study was made up of 402 subjects, and the sample was the same as the population, so the study was a census. For statistical analysis, SPSS software was used. V.25. applying frequency tables for sociodemographic variables, and binary linear regression to determine the odds ratio or probability of risk for cases and controls. As a result, a correlation of 0.319 was obtained between the variables prevalence of depression in aregivers and affective-behavioral symptoms. With which it was concluded that if there is a correlation between these variables, and although it is low, it is also significant that it is directly proportional between them.", year = 2022, institution = "Universidad de Caldas", url = "https://repositorio.ucaldas.edu.co/handle/ucaldas/18065", }